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Calendar of TP Events


November 7, 2016 – Conference "High Speed Lines in the Czech Republic, Construction ...."

Due date: 7/11/16


"High Speed Lines in the Czech Republic, Construction Projects and Operational Concepts"

held on November 7, 2016 in PragueHotel Olšanka, Táboritská 23, (entrance from Olšanské náměstí/square)

More information:

Invitation here

Agenda here

Registration link

Partners link

Conference Patronage here

Conference Proceedings link

Photo Gallery link

Published 12. 9. 2016 10:46

12. 10. 2016 – Seminar „Progressiver Ansatz zur Errichtung und Erhaltung des Eisenbahn..."

Due date: 12/10/16


„Progressiver Ansatz zur Errichtung und Erhaltung des Eisenbahn-Unterbaus mittels Technologien ohne Abtragung des Gleissystems“

12. Oktober 2016 im Konferenzsaal des Masaryk-Studentenheims link, Thákurova 1, Praha 6

Ziel des Seminars:

Bekanntmachung des Fachpublikums mit aktuellen Erkenntnissen auf dem Gebiet Errichtung und Erhaltung des Eisenbahn-Unterbaus mittels Technologien ohne Abtragung des Gleissystems in der Tschechischen Republik und in Österreich.

Mehr Infos hier

Präsentationen sind verfügbar: http://www.sizi.cz/prezentace-s-1-2016

Published 5. 9. 2016 17:35

Seminar Results and Implementation of FOSTER RAIL Project – June 21, 2016, Prague

Due date: 21/06/16

Czech Technology Platform Interoperability of Railway Infrastructure organize Seminar Results and Implementation of-FOSTER RAIL Project.

Seminar is held in Congress Centre – U Hájků, hotel Grandior, Na Poříčí 42, Prague  on June 21, 2016.

Agenda here

Published 31. 5. 2016 19:50

Scientific Student Conference – IRICoN 2016

Due date: 4/05/16

Scientific Student Conference Interoperability in Rail Transport – IRICoN 2016

is held in Prague on May 4, 2016

Conference webpage: http://konferenceiricon16.fd.cvut.cz/

Free of charge

Published 25. 4. 2016 11:55

19th Meeting of TP Management Board

Due date: 20/04/16

19th Meeting of TP Management Board is held on April 20, 2016 in Prague

Invitation with program: Pozvánka na 19. zasedání SR SIZI.pdf

Published 15. 2. 2016 14:08

IRRB Seminar held in Prague, March 23, 2016

Due date: 23/03/16

IRRB Seminar is held in Prague on March 23, 2016.

Invitation 2016-03-23 IRRB Seminar Pozvánka.pdf

Program 2016-03-23 IRRB Seminar.pdf

Published 8. 3. 2016 14:40