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Invitation to the Horizon 2020 Transport Information Day on 28 September 2016 in Brussels

Due date: 28/09/16

We would like to invite you to the 2016 Information Day on the Horizon 2020 'Smart, green and integrated transport' that will take place in Brussels on 28 September 2016. Please register via link

Registration for the information day is compulsory and free of charge.

Please note that due to a limited number at the conference venue, maximum two people from the same organisation will be registered.

The information day addresses potential applicants to the Horizon 2020 'Smart, green and integrated transport' calls for project proposals under the 2016-2017 Work programme.

Presentations will cover the various topics open for submission and the application procedure, as well as provide detailed information on the calls. 

A brokerage event will take place in the afternoon. Register via link

You will also have the possibility to follow the event via web streaming and on Twitter using #H2020TransportInfo. 

More information about the event find here

Presentations available on http://ec.europa.eu/inea/sites/inea/files/h2020_transport_infoday_20160928_web.pdf

Published 7. 7. 2016 17:55